Sunday, 31 July 2011


ADORE this little yellow number.. Yet again a River Island bargain @ £10.
I wouldn't usually go for a bright yellow bag but this is just delightful! Has a designer look about it in my opinion.

Sale Bargain Of The Summer Award..

goes to THIS dress.. 

Purchased from River Island for a bargain price of..... wait for it.. £9... okay so i was one of the lucky few to get to the shop early enough to get a wristband which entitled me to get 50% off upto 10 sale items bought.....

This weeks LUST HAVES.

So it may only be summer BUT i can't help but wish it was nearing colder weather just so i could make good use of these adorable new hats which are now available from River Island.. Surely this will have to be a MUST HAVE of the winter months?!

AND who doesn't need/want a leopard print trapper hat.... ?!  ( River Island AGAIN)

All i can say is ROLL ON winter if this is the going to be the leopard print season!

Hello Blog World.

So who am i?! Emily (QUEEN of the high street bargains!) 

This blog is going to be dedicated to FASHION.  To be more specific, my every day fashion! That's right i am going to endeavor to take a picture of every outfit that i wear each & every day.. starting tomorrow!
As well as this i hope to showcase this seasons trends, items that i'm lusting after & celebrity fashion LOVES!
I'm an average single 20 something girl with an utter LOVE for fashion.. however i, unlike celebrities my wardrobe isn't filled with Chanel / Gucci & Marchesa! (Unfortunately!)
However i strongly believe us girls can still be totally trendy & fashionable on a budget, especially with the likes of these days who make this very achievable. 

My wardrobe consists mainly of  - New Look, River Island, Primark, H&M, oh and the occasional Topshop number! 

Oh & i'm expecting my first baby in 6 months! So i will also endeavor to make maternity wear trendy! Fashionable bump here i come!! 

More to follow soon.. Watch this space.  
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