Sunday, 15 April 2012

Jessie J!

Recognise the fresh faced 15 year old above? That's Jessie J!! Pretty much completely unrecognisable from the rising 24 year old popstar now! 

I have to say i loved Jessie J from pretty much the moment i heard "Do it Like a Dude" but i love her even more now that she's a coach on the Voice, she comes across as very down to earth.
I am also totally envious of her wardrobe & hair - although i'm starting to wonder if the dip dyed purple locks she's been sporting on the voice is a wig as i really fail to understand how anyone can have hair THAT shiny!!

I love the fact that she seems to not care about what people think of her & just wears what she likes! Its nice to have a singer (along with Gaga) who doesn't conform to the normal popstar "image". Plus she can actually sing and writes her own songs!

I've just actually been reading Jessie J's Wikipedia page (the fountain of all web knowledge!) - i've learnt she wrote 'Party In The U.S.A' for Miley Cyrus - everydays a school day! 

Also been reading this article : Jessie J being monitored amidst health fears
Basically she is being monitored due to suffering from a stroke when she was only 18 years old - it's great to see how well she seems to have recovered to become a popstar! I never even knew she had, had a stroke until i read this. 

I LOVE how she manages to look good in a catsuit too, not many people could pull off a tight catsuit like she can. 

I actually think if i could own anyones wardrobe, it would be hers! 

After reading this article - Daily Mail Article i actually really admire her for this comment : 
"The singer, who is known for her quirky and often raunchy fashion sense, reportedly refused the help of a stylist on the show, telling producers: ‘I don’t need any help getting dressed.’ In a recent interview she said: ‘If someone did my make-up and my hair, and dressed me and wrote my songs I’m just being a dummy. If someone dressed me, I wouldn’t feel like me.’

 I'm absolutely gutted that i didn't get tickets to go see her at Leeds Academy last year!


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