Sunday, 8 January 2012

La Redoute Blunder.

Ok yet another Daily Mail article - ( I have to get my pointless news updates from somewhere.)

La Redoute Advert Blunder

Spot the naked man in the childrens advert below? Yeah, pretty hard to miss.. seem's kind of crazy that no-one at French fashion chain La Redoute noticed this man before the advert was posted.

Oh and as if that wasn't all, web users also spotted that one of the childrens t-shirts in the picture had ' holidays ' mispelled as HOLYDAYS.
Not a good day at all for La Redoute. Epic fails all round. 


Oh Dakota.

After the whole Oh Lola! advert banning incident, you would think that would be it for controversy for a while for the 17 year old Dakota Fanning. That is where you would be wrong. 
I have just stumbled across this article (yes, i know it's the Daily Mail..)  :

Dakota's Cosmo controversy

Basically to summarise the article, people are OUTRAGED that Dakota Fanning has appeared on the front cover of Cosmopolitan - not only that, but the fact that she is wearing a low cut dress, as well as being placed in amongst "sex" headlines. 

My personal opinion on the matter is that it has been blown out of all proportion - for starters the girl is 17 years old. Secondly i don't see a problem with the outfit she is wearing, there are girls younger than her wearing much more provocative outfits.
As for the headlines on the magazine, it's Cosmopolitan! It's clear that none of these are in relation to Dakota Fanning, she herself is not giving out sex tips..

In fact the only thing that i see wrong with this front cover is the fact that they have photoshopped Dakota's face. They may not have done.. but it does look like it. Which in my opinion is a much worse crime..

At the end of the day she is 17 years old.. that is old enough to legally actually have sex, nevermind just being on the front of a magazine which tells you how to give your man "the best sex ever". So why all the outrage?!

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