1. Fisher price mirror crab toy - I really like this cute little crab which is meant to encourage tummy time play with its mirrored front & it also rocks side to side which rattles little beads in the pincers. As well as having little moveable discs on the front too.
2. Hungry caterpillar outfit set - i absolutely love the clothing ranges in Sainsburies but specifically the Gruffalo & Hungry Caterpillar things. I just think that they are really adorable - plus both ranges are pretty unisex too which is good. So this little outfit was half price so about £4 and i got it in an older size, i think 1 year so it will do for A/W.
3. 2 books - First black & white book and One Bear lost. I love baby books, and these were both on offer so i couldn't resist.
4. Transport themed bibs - a complete necessity ! These ones are plastic backed so much better as it means his clothes underneath don't get soggy! I think these are super cute with different modes of transport on them.
5. Paddington vests ( set of 2 ) - With everyone getting patriotic this year what with the jubilee & olympics, these are very fitting! I just think that they're so cute with the little union jacks on & paddington bear.
The below image is a close up of the pattern on one of the vests :
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